April 23, 2024

UEM new architecture: user and device experience

This post explores the benefits that are coming to Workspace ONE and will explain how Modern Stack has affected user and device experience.

After introducing the modernization journey Workspace ONE UEM embarked upon in our first blog post, we will now explore the benefits that are coming to Workspace ONE as part of wave 1. In this blog, we will explain how Modern Stack has affected user and device experience. As an employee of an organization that uses Workspace ONE UEM, you might think: This is all great stuff! But what is in it for me? Well, if this is the case, continue reading.

New and improved management capabilities

While you, as an employee, won't see this directly, you will experience it daily. Looking at Apple devices, initially, when IT deployed a new app, something like the following would occur:

  1. Workspace ONE sends an app installation command.
  2. Each device acknowledges the command.
  3. Workspace ONE checks each device for app installation.
  4. Each device provides a status update.
  5. Steps 3 and 4 are repeated until all devices have the new app.


This can significantly affect the platform, especially when your organization has thousands of devices.

With these new management capabilities, the initiation of communication is shifted to the device instead of Workspace ONE UEM having to queue up each command. Devices act autonomously and apply management logic based on the state Workspace ONE gives them.

Taking the earlier example, the flow would now look like this:

  1. Workspace ONE adds a new state for devices.
  2. Each device checks in and begins to process the command/state.
  3. Each device starts adopting the state and provides a status update.

Desired State Management

Windows multi-user support

Another excellent feature that is coming is Windows Multi-User Support; Multi-user Windows devices, such as nursing stations and manufacturing floor workstations, are common within many environments. Up until now, managing these devices has been a challenge within Workspace ONE UEM because the workstations could only be managed based on device settings. The new Windows multi-user functionality enables various users to access the same device such that applications, policy settings, and security align with granular user/group requirements.

More initiatives using the new architecture

So many more features are built upon the new architecture. Keep your eyes open here on Tech Zone for deep dives into Linux Management, the new Android Management APIs, Freestyle Orchestrator, Windows Updates, Apple Declarative Management and much more!

Fast becomes faster

One of the other benefits of these new management capabilities is increased speed. While this increase does not solely originate from these management capabilities, the new platform architecture also plays a big part.

Current tests show a 10x performance increase when deploying applications and profiles to over 100,000 devices; seeing the deployment time being reduced from 200 hours to 5 hours.

This allows your organization to be much more flexible and better align with your demands and expectations. In the event your department needs a new app, IT can get the app to your devices in record speed.

Going back to the first question: What's in it for me?

This change offers a more responsive and reliable experience, resulting in an always up-to-date and secure device with the latest apps provided by your organization.

We will have a follow-up blog that goes into more advantages of the new UEM architecture on Tech Zone shortly.

Jesper & Joris

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