December 12, 2024

Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub for Windows Version 24.10

Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub for Windows version 24.10 will be released soon and goes beyond just rebranding. It offers performance enhancements and notable changes administrative changes. Trust the Workspace ONE Windows team to continue to provide you with the best solution for managing and securing Windows devices.

The latest release of Intelligent Hub for Windows is far more than just a change to Omnissa branding.

A purple hexagons on a black background

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Figure 1: Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub icon

The new version of Intelligent Hub for Windows includes numerous performance improvements that occur under the hood.  In addition, administrators should be aware of several notable changes, including:

  • Improved Native Application Tab.  Faster delivery and installation of on-demand apps, progress indicators, and a responsive user interface.
  • More Informational Freestyle Status.  Freestyle status indicators provide informational updates, such as conditions evaluation and user app deferral.
  • Intelligent Hub Installed with Admin Privileges.  This ensures that standard users can seamlessly access and launch the Intelligent Hub.
  • Automatic Merging of Large Device Logs.  Troubleshooting time is reduced because logs are uploaded and automatically merged into a single file.
  • Application Rollback.  When an application is rolled back, the previous version is reinstalled by default, as well as initiation of any necessary reboots.

A blue rectangle with white text

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Figure 2: Application rollback process

Executable and Registry Changes

For those administrators that refer to Workspace ONE UEM executables and registry keys via custom scripts and within compliance monitoring, automated log file retrieval tools, antivirus settings, and firewall security configurations, please note that two executable names have changed:

Old NameNew Name

In addition, three registry keys have changed.  Specifically:

A screenshot of a computer

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Figure 3: Current registry key changes

Some advanced warning that within the next release of Intelligent Hub for Windows slated for early 2025, two additional registry keys will be changing:

A group of blue rectangles with black text

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Figure 4: Upcoming registry key changes

Upgrading to Version 24.10

If your environment consists of Intelligent Hub version 23.10.6 or newer, auto-upgrading will proceed as expected.  You’re golden.

However, if version 23.10.5 or earlier has been deployed, attempting to auto-upgrade directly to version 24.10 will fail due to a certificate issue.  To resolve this, an additional application called “AW WinPC Updater 2410” has been included that will replace the “AW.WinPC.Updater.exe” on devices with older Intelligent Hub versions. Follow one of the options below to ensure a successful upgrade to version 24.10:

  • Leverage the Enterprise App Repository (EAR) and push the application “AW WinPC Updater 2410” to all your impacted devices prior to auto upgrading Intelligent Hub
  • Upload the included “AW WinPC Updater 2410” as a Native application and push it to all your impacted devices prior to auto upgrading Intelligent Hub
  • Manually replace the old AW.WinPC.Updater.exe with the 24.10 AW.WinPC.Updater.exe in the following location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Airwatch\AgentUI

Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub for Windows Version 24.10 will be available by December 31, 2024.  This new version of Intelligent Hub can be manually downloaded from https:\\

After general availability, release notes will be posted to Omnissa docs.  

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