February 13, 2025

Omnissa branding change impacts when upgrading to Horizon 8 2412

Starting with the Horizon 8 2412 (8.14) Release we have rebranded the product family to reflect our new company name – Omnissa.  Each of the products and services that Omnissa provides are changing starting with the respective 2412 releases.  If you are a technical practitioner who is responsible for a Horizon deployment in your environment, you should be aware of these changes and the impact they may have on your environment.

While there are obvious changes to the UI, icons and color palette, many components that make up Horizon 8 have been updated including, but not limited to:

  • Application / executable name changes
  • Icon and UI changes
  • New folder structures
  • Renaming registry entries and locations
  • Renaming of APIs
  • Log file locations 
  • Certificate changes

Plan accordingly for these changes to minimize the potential for impact.  Some general examples include:

  •           Example 1 - If you are using a 3rd party plugin for the Horizon Client that needs to know the name of the executable and the registry entry to function properly.
  •           Example 2 – You are looking for the location of log files for App Volumes agents to troubleshoot packages attaching, 
  •           Example 3 – You have developed scripts that automate tasks within Horizon or trigger Horizon tasks that rely on API’s or Certificate exchanges to execute properly

Details on the changes can be found in KB6000747.  If you have questions or concerns, please contact Omnissa Support through Omnissa Customer Connect, or look for guidance from other Omnissa customers at the Omnissa Community site.

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